The official HOPS! website has moved! It's now found at www.chihops.com. The rest of this website has been left intact for archival purposes. HOPS! ConstitutionArticle 1 - PurposeSection 1 - PurposeTo enjoy and promote the hobby of homebrewing. Section 2 - GoalsTo engage in enjoyable social activities focused on homebrewing as a common foundation. To learn more about beer, mead, wine, beer tasting, beer judging and brewing techniques. To share knowledge and experience. To promote the hobby and enjoyment of homebrewing. To promote the responsible use of alcoholic beverages. HOPS! Homebrewers' Pride of the Southside will comply with all state and local laws relating to alcoholic beverages. Article 2 - MembershipSection 1 - EligibilityAll persons who have reached the legal age to consume alcoholic beverages in the state of Illinois are eligible for membership. Section 2 - AcceptanceThe only criterion for membership acceptance is to make application to the club and keep the annual membership dues current. Section 3 - Rights and liability of membersEach regular member of the club shall have the right to vote on club matters, subject to the limits of Article 2 Sections 1 and 2. The members of the club shall not be liable for the debts or obligations of the club. A club member may be reimbursed for expenses reasonably incurred on behalf of the club, if approved by club officers. Section 4 - GuestsMembers may bring guests to club meetings and functions. It is anticipated that these guests would eventually join the club. Section 5 - Membership YearThe membership year of the club shall range from March 17 to March 17 of the following year. Section 6 - Non-DiscriminationClub membership shall not be denied to any individual on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin or sex. Section 7 - Member Hold HarmlessParticipation in this club is entirely voluntary. Members accept responsibility for their conduct, behavior and actions and absolve HOPS! Homebrewers' Pride of the Southside Homebrew Club, its members and officers of liabilities in the event of injury, death, property damage and property loss. Members' participation includes any of their guests that may be present at club activities, wherever they may be held. Section 8 - Types of MembershipAll types of membership are subject to Sections 1 and 2 of Article 2. A. Regular Members Membership is open to all persons as provided by Section 1 and 2 of Article 2. The officers shall set dues for a regular membership. Article 3 - VotingSection 1 - Voting EligibilityAll regular members that have voting rights subject to Article 2, Section 1 and 2 are eligible to vote. Section 2 - Items Put To VoteThe club officers shall decide the kinds of issues and topics to be voted on by the club membership. Any regular member may petition to any club officer for issues to be brought to a vote. Section 3 - QuorumA meeting consisting of at least one officer and one third of regular club members is to be considered a quorum. Section 4 - Election DatesElections are held yearly in April with the newly elected officers taking office immediately following election. Section 5 - Voting ConsiderationsA simple majority vote of attending regular members is required to elect an officer. All members will be informed in March of the upcoming elections. In the event of a case where there is a plurality, but not a majority, (probable with three or more candidates vying for an office) a run off election will be held between the two top vote getters for the office. In the event of a tie a flip of a coin shall be made. Each contestant shall select a coin side. The winner of the coin toss will then participate in the run off election. The winner of the run off shall be the elected officer. In the event of a tie a flip of a coin shall be made. Each contestant shall select a coin side. The winner of the coin toss shall be the election winner. Section 6 - NominationsNominations shall be made by the nominating committee or by any regular member. Section 7 - Voting MethodVoting is by controlled secret ballot. This means a ballot will be available to regular members only. The completed printed ballot will be folded and deposited in the ballot box. A club officer will count the ballots and announce the outcome. This procedure shall be used for all club elections and issues to be brought to a vote. Notification to the membership that a vote will be conducted must be included in the regular notice of a monthly meeting. Article 4 - OfficersSection 1 - OfficersThe following positions make up the entirety of the clubs officers: President Vice President / Treasurer , Publicity Director/Newsletter Editor Secretary 3 at large officers Section 2 - Officer ResponsibilitiesPresident - This officer will normally conduct club and board meetings. This officer will manage the day-to-day affairs of the club. He will advise club members of club social and official events. The President will appoint club members to club committees and perform other duties as required. Vice President / Treasurer - This officer will perform Presidential duties when the club President is otherwise unavailable. He will perform duties as specified by the club President. The Vice-President/Treasurer will be responsible for the management of club finances. He will report to the membership, quarterly and annually regarding club finances. He will also be responsible for the collection of membership dues, maintenance and updating of membership enrollment lists and issuance of club membership ID cards. Publicity Chairman/Newsletter Editor shall keep members and the general public informed of club events, meetings and activities. Secretary shall keep minutes of meetings and assist in club publicity. At Large Officers - These officers will advise the club President and Vice President / Treasurer on club matters. They will perform duties as specified by the president and Vice President / Treasurer. Section 3 - RemovalAny officer or member of the club may be removed by the vote of a majority of the regular members. A club officer must recommend such a vote. Notification to the membership that a vote will be conducted on the removal of an officer or member must be included in the regular notice of a monthly meeting. Section 4 - Officer Resignation or DeathOn the resignation or death of an officer, the remaining officers shall select a person to take the responsibility of the officer whose office is vacant and this person shall serve out the remainder of the vacant officers term. Section 5 - Term of Office and Re-electionEach officer shall be elected for a term of one calendar year. Each elected officer shall serve a maximum of three consecutive terms. Article 5 - Non Profit OrganizationSection 1 - Non Profit StatusThe club is declared as a non profit Social Club. This does not give the club tax exemption status under rules of the United States Department of Internal Revenue Services (I.R.S.)unless applied for and received at a later date. Article 6 - DuesSection 1 - Calendar YearThe calendar year of the club shall be March 17 to March 17 the following year. Dues shall be paid annually in March or before. New members are charged full dues if they join at anytime during the calendar year. The club officers set the dues. Section 2 - Form of PaymentDues will be collected by the Vice President / Treasurer and may be paid in cash, money order or by personal check. Section 3 - ReportingThe Vice President / Treasurer shall report to regular members regarding the financial status of the club on a quarterly and annual basis. Article 7 - MeetingsSection 1 - Meetings of Regular MembersMembers shall meet monthly on the third Tuesday of each month unless otherwise instructed by the club officers. Section 2 - Meetings of Club OfficersClub officers shall meet quarterly. Notice of a club officer meeting must be included in the regular notice of a monthly meeting. Club officer meetings will be open to regular members. Matters of interest to the club members will be made available to club members at the next scheduled monthly meeting. Section 3 - Meeting ProceduresIn transacting official business, the rules of parliamentary procedure contained in Roberts' Rules of Order shall generally govern all meetings of the club. Article 8 - By Law Acceptance and ChangesSection 1 - AcceptanceThese by laws are accepted at the time of adoption by a majority vote of regular members. Section 2 - Procedure for ChangesAny regular member may petition for a change in the by-laws. When changes are suggested the petition must be submitted in writing and introduced at a regular meeting of the club. The proposed change(s) shall be published in the club newsletter and will be voted on at the next regular club meeting. A vote of the majority of the club's current regular members that are eligible to vote, according to Article 2 Sections 1 and 2,must approve any by-law change. Last update: January 7, 2005 Club email: HOPSbrewclub@aol.com Webmaster email: pwerstler@zlosk.com ![]() |